My Works

AI commercial & Documentary

National TV & Dizzitapp
AI image, video, TTS & music
AI Video Productions

Dizzit-up - AI Generated Video Ad


The client needed a video to announce the launch of his new app: a markeplace that leverages blockchain technology (stablecoins) to simplify international transactions to Africa. He had a limited budget and a tight deadline. So, naturally, I suggested an AI-generated video. I gave him two proposals. The following is the draft of the discarded one:


  • Runway Gen2 & stable diffusion:  AI animations.
  • Mubert: BG music.
  • Claude (& myself): Script generation.
  • After Effects: Editing, VFX & app walkthrough animations.
  • Elevenlabs: Text to speech
  • Topaz AI: Upscaling


Client was impressed with the outcome & validated one of the concepts on which we did the final edits and it's now pending the launch of his campaign.

Ali Riahi- AI Documentary for National Television (Archive Alive Project)


Upon Chabaka's request, I collaborated with the Tunisian National Television Team (our client) to come up with a concept that we can work on together. I pitched some ideas, among which a series where we use AI to upscale, colorize & restore historic footage & audio recording of historical Tunisian artists & use that to create a documentary. The following is the pilot:

How it went

All of this was done in 3 weeks, right on time for the ASBU conference on AI and its use in journalism.
It was very challenging to work with the videos I received from the archive but Topaz was powerful enough to change them drastically. I then used an AI colorizer on a cloud GPU to colorize the videos. It wasn't perfect, but it was huge compared to the initial state.

For the audio, I cleaned up the artists' voice and cloned it, then made him sing a more recent Tunisian classic while keeping his expression.

I also used another TTS to generate the narration for the documentary & video generators to create scenes for the music video part.


  • Topaz AI: Upscaling & clean up
  • colorizer
  • Voice cloning: Turtoise (github)
  • Heygen: AI avatar
  • 11labs: TTs
  • Midjourney: image generation
  • Comfyui & runway: video animation
  • Capcut: editing


The clients loved it so much and want to go forward with this series. They're currently gathering a team to work on it. We displayed the episode to showcase the collaboration in ASBU conference, which opened up the possibility to get a lot of new customers.

Here's the interview link