My Works

AI Content Creation

Boomerang - CHBK
Comfyui, Python, Cloud GPU, Topaz AI, Adobe, Capcut, 11labs, Mubert
AI & Automation

As a Technology & Innovation specialist at Boomerang, a content creation agency within Chabaka, I led the experimental AI content department, focusing on leveraging AI and technology for content ventures. We launched three channels:

  1. Tortured Taco: A horror stories channel with an Arabic version.
  2. Genius Blooms: An educational channel for children.
  3. Floatify: A channel featuring trippy TV visuals with background music.

For Tortured Taco and Genius Blooms, we developed a process combining AI and teamwork for script creation, using 11labs for audio generation and Mubert for background music. I designed the workflow while a colleague managed the channels. We continuously refined the process, testing various iterations. I conducted weekly sessions to teach prompt engineering and tool usage to my colleague.

To streamline production, I created a Python script that automated 90% of the editing process, with the goal of full automation using APIs and bots.

For Floatify, we used ComfyUI to generate AI video loops and Mubert for background music. I developed a Python script to automate the rendering of full-length videos (1+ hour) in 4K using cloud GPU resources, and then upload them directly to YouTube using the YouTube API. This cloud-based approach significantly accelerated the rendering process for these computationally intensive 4K videos.

The long-term vision was to create content automation systems that would eliminate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, not only for our AI-focused teams but also for traditional content creation teams. This included automating first-draft editing, utilizing cloud GPU rendering to reduce wait times, and implementing API-based publishing to replace manual download/upload processes.